Use edge columns
Suppose you make chains like this, it will work, but you will find it hard to extend it.
you can do this instead:
Here is another example:
when you encounter this,
you may want to do this naturally.
but this again cause the same edge column problem.
So try to do this:
You can also put two green down and two green up, and insert blue like this, is that a good idea to put blue there?
Not really! because you chain cannot be further extended.
So try this.
this will also make the color more balanced, which increase the chance of drawing puyo like this pattern.
I will show some variations, one of it looks like this:
If you want to add the tail, you could do this:
If you draw colors not in a perfect sequence, say, you draw want one more green to complete the tailiing with the bottom one but you draw two blues instead, you could do this.
Puyo is like a hard life, you will never get the exact color you want, so you need to remember many shapes and apply to changes quickly. Here is another variation which is also my favouriate.
You can put yellow piece on the bottom like this:
and then:
Another variation is:
Another really common variation is:
If you get an extra blue:
You can make some minor adjustments.
Here is another variation:
Going one up
This concept is very important, imagine you want to use red as the last chain, but you don’t draw a red:
You can go one up with different color and then stack the red afterwards.
Theoretically, you can also do two color up:
The one color up concept is very important, consider the following case:
You would like to fill green into the last column (edge column), but you draw blue.you can use one color up concept now!
If you are building this shape, you do not draw a yellow:
You can do:
(To be continued)
Some actual battle tailing gallery
This chapter I will introduce some basic concept of extending the head of the chain.
I will first show with this example:
The critical point of releasing the main chain is the green color. When building up the main chain, a common way is: gtr底座上面有三个绿色的,压着绿色的是红色和黄色,我们希望绿红黄这个结构能成为一个3chain。记住这样一个结构的好处是在于前期撘高的时候不需要进行过多的思考,只要把颜色一样的堆到一起就可以了,更大的好处是,他的引爆点可以设置的很低,例如这边的绿色。