Find the first element on the left which is larger than itself.
The most straight forward idea is to compare the current element with the left element in the list one by one. But soon we found that it is not the efficient solution. For example, you have a list [1,4,2,3,5]. When you compare the element 5 with 3, you found 5 > 3, then you proceed to the next element 2. But when you set the position of 3, you have already do the comparison 3 > 2. So we do not need to do the comparison 5 > 2, which could save the computation time if the list is much larger.
So, we apply the trick of the decreasing stack. The idea is to keep a temporary list and the elements in this list are in decreasing order. At the beginning, the decreasing stack is empty. Then, we loop through the list, and for each element, we compare the element with the top element in the decreasing stack. If larger, then pop the top element out, and do it again until the decreasing stack is empty or it encouter the top elment which is larger than itself. If empty, it means no other element is larger than it, otherwise, output the element which is larger than it. Finally, push it into the decreasing stack.
1 | # 单调递减栈实现返回列表中左边第一个比自身大的元素的值 |
1 | # 返回index |
[-1, 0, 0, 2]
42. Trapping Rain Water
1 | class Solution(object): |
496. Next Greater Element I
You are given two arrays (without duplicates) nums1 and nums2 where nums1’s elements are subset of nums2. Find all the next greater numbers for nums1’s elements in the corresponding places of nums2.
The Next Greater Number of a number x in nums1 is the first greater number to its right in nums2. If it does not exist, output -1 for this number.
So let’s consider the most straightforward method. For each element in nums2, we compare it with its right elements one by one until it finds the first element which is larger than it. But let’s consider a small unit [2,1,3]. Notice that we first compare 2 > 1, and then compare 2 < 3, and we finish element 2. Then we move on element 1. This time, we already know 1 < 2, and the first element larger than 2 is 3, so it means we do not need to compare 1 with 3, which the algorithm still does. So, this brute-force method is not efficient.
A decreasing stack is used in this situation. The stack will keep the index of the element in the list. Consider the simple unit L = [2,1,3]. First, the stack is empty. Then the stack becomes [0], [0,1]. When L[2] comes in, it compares L[2] > L[1], so the next greater element of L[1] is L[2]. Then compare L[2] and L[0], we know the next greater element of L[0] is L[2]. Just like this.
1 | def next_greater_element(a,b): |
[-1, 3, -1]
[-1, -1, -1]
739. Daily Temperatures
1 | def warmer_weather(x): |
[1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0]
503. Next Greater Element II
1 | def next_greater_element(x): |
[2, -1, 2]
316. Remove Duplicate Letters
1 | class Solution(object): |
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
1 | def largestRectangleArea( heights): |
res equals 3
h equals 3
w equals 1
stack equals [0]
res equals 4
h equals 2
w equals 2
stack equals []
res equals 4
h equals 3
w equals 1
stack equals [2, 3]
res equals 4
h equals 2
w equals 2
stack equals [2]
res equals 5
h equals 1
w equals 5
stack equals []
res equals 6
h equals 1
w equals 6
stack equals []
85. Maximal Rectangle
1 | class Solution(object): |